Welcome to the Homepage of Chaos Industries!

What Is Chaos Industries?

Hellewell Chaos is a one-man multimedia art project focused primarily around music.

About Me

Hello! Name's Jake Hellewell (a.k.a. ghoul.), 20 year old canadian multimedia artist and the sole creator and operator of Chaos Industries. My focus is primarily on music but I also enjoy digital art and graphic design. outside of creating shit for this project, you can catch me either playing doom wads or creating shit for the various ttrpg campaigns i'm running/playing with the boys. Art may forever be my primary hobby and my most passionate interest, but ttrpgs are a close second. I especially love to look for and try out new systems, though my current regular systems are D&D 5E (unfortunately), Lancer, and Starfinder. I hope you enjoy my bullshit enough to stick around for what's to come, stay safe and take care of yourself :)

Contact Me

To contact me you can either email me at jake.hellewell@gmail.com or send a message to chaos.industries on discord